So about that picture. The one I drew in blood. That was meant as a message. See what I actually drew was a picture from our childhood. Drawing with blood is slightly more difficult than drawing with paint so I'm not sure if she actually got what it was supposed to be. Her account says it was something disturbing but I don't know whether that's because she didn't know who I was, she didn't see it properly or The Shadow altered her memory.
To be accurate The Picture was of her sitting on my lap while I was reading to her from my computer. I can kind of see how if the picture was a little off that could seem disturbing. I may also of forgotten to draw myself as I looked then as opposed to drawing myself as I am now...
I guess I fucked up on that one.
Oh and I guess I can explain here. I found her after The Shadow saved her. He left her nearby and I found her and brought her to The Nightlanders hoping they'd give up on her and leave her alone so he would leave her alone and The Archangel would no longer want to kill her. Didn't work.
Also I don't really know for sure but I assume those voices she was hearing were the real life "doctors" somehow slipping into her delusion and not something that she actually heard at the time of these events.
What does blood feel like? I can't seem to remember :/.
How does blood feel?
DeleteHmm good question my technological friend.
I guess it feels... wet?
But not like Water! More sticky. Almost like honey but not that sticky. I guess sort of like oil? but less er... Oily? Geez it's hard to describe...