Friday, 25 May 2012

The Herald.

Ok so a very strange and disturbing thing happened today. There was a video somehow released to a local network from inside the affected area. Some guy or woman was filming near the house I was using. People are in the shot they all look incredibly emaciated and likely on the verge of death except one. In the center of a small crowd of humans is the strange man looking perfectly fine. He looks at the camera which really shouldn't be looking and we hear a choked gasp then the camera falls to knee height. It slowly pans up to the man's face and his face appears distorted taking on the appearance of a skull though still with flesh. At that point all the people in the shot start speaking. "We are The Herald. The End is coming. This world shall be scoured for it's arrival. You will not resist. You will accept. We are The Herald. The End is coming." Then the video distorts terribly and everyone goes black and white the people appearing like skeletons and then the video ends.

Of course that's not all. At the same moment they started speaking in the video Megan enters the room and starts speaking at the same time saying the same thing.

I am incredibly confused and worried now.

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