Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Job.

So I'm sure the majority of you know about this war going down. A peaceful protest sparks into a riot. The Police kill some people the people fight back. Riot becomes a slaughter. Then a disease outbreak is met with undue force. (An entire town was razed to the ground and the diseased were killed. People went crazy at this point. Deciding that the government was going crazy and started a revolution. The Government called in help from The United States and now it's becoming a full blown war between Canada and The United States with allied countries talking about stepping in on either side.

Yeah it's a mess. I'm sure the fears are involved somehow but I haven't been paying that much attention with the whole Megan thing and the war hasn't been impacting normal fear business that badly so I've largely ignored it.

Well the new job is to kill certain individuals on either side of the war. Apparently The Fears want this war to end and as fast as possible. They have pinpointed certain important targets who upon their death will severely hurt the war effort on both sides essentially forcing a peaceful solution.

So I'm off to kill some random people. I'm out side the first targets residence at the moment.

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